Meet the Artist

Meet the Artist

Angela Staehling holding paint brushes

Hey there! 

I'm Angela, your resident cat-loving, plant-obsessed Artist. First and foremost, welcome to my blog! This has been a long time coming, and I must say, I am pretty pumped about it! What I hope to accomplish in this blog is to give you a little background into who I am and my "why".

This blog is my notepad, I hope you enjoy a look into my mind! There's a lot going on, so I hope you're up for the ride!

Staehling Family in BangkokBefore you comment on my frizzy travel hair in this 4-year old photo,

I created this post as an opportunity for you get to know the gal behind the brushstrokes.

I'm a glass-half-full type of gal and I don't take life too seriously! I wake up every morning thinking about what there is to smile about. Seriously.

My mind gravitates toward my sweet family, our two cats Rocco and Theo, and the limitless world we live in! I could go on...

While I go to the gym upwards of five times a week, I also love outdoor, naturey activities. Biking and gardening have been my favs in warmer weather. Anything below 10° Farenheit, I'm out.

Just last year, I got a plot in the community garden! That was a huge win! Seriously felt like I won the lottery after being on a 3-year wait list!

Were you here to see my garden in my Instagram stories? It was so much fun, and I look forward to planning out my plot this spring!

Angela Staehling biking and gardening

Traveling also excites me to no end! Thank goodness my husband does travel planning as a side hustle because we've got new postal codes to discover this year (fingers crossed)! If you want to see more of us around the globe give him a follow!

These vacation breaks are a great source of my inspiration as well as my favorite way to take a break and get energized for new art.

What I am beyond excited about is what's to come! My book, How To Pet A Cat with Chronicle Books launches this March.

Angela Staehling's book How To Pet A Cat

Annnnd, I have tons of new cat and dog products in the works that I'm collaborating on with a licensing company. I cannot wait for you to see all the new stuff that 2022 is bringing!

My brand is dedicated to the brighter side of life and I hope it encourages you to smile and have a little fun!

I'm sure you can tell, humor is my friend. I go with the flow and love to bring you bright colors and a little light.

Stay tuned for what's to come, I am so happy you are here!

Here's to 2022! 🎉